Vickers VC10 Manual

This manual is written in HTML & is designed to be viewed from the FS2004 kneeboard.
All of the latest VC10 models are set up to access this manual in this way.

Any updates will be made available from the David Maltby Flight Sim website:-



Copy the 'DMFS Shared Files' folder into your 'Flight Simulator 9\Aircraft\' folder.



Research, panel design & photography by Dave Booker
XML gauges & documentation by David Maltby

Very special thanks to:-
The staff at Brooklands museum for being so helpful & answering lots of questions
Tonks (our friendly neighbourhood VC10 flight instructor) for providing much useful material and patiently answering our many questions
Paul Gausden for his knowledge & flying experience (VC10 included) & his willingness to answer yet more questions
Arne Bartels for being an XML gauge guru & having already answered countless XML questions on Flightsim forums
Saverio Maurri for providing inspiration with his excellent range of panels
All the guys on the Classic British Flight Sim forum for their support and silly behaviour
Wilf Hey in PC Plus magazine for writing an article on 'Reverse Polish Notation' that made sense of the crazy XML style maths